
  • S. A. Dadenkov Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russian Federation
  • D. A. Dadenkov Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russian Federation



Task scheduling, real-time, round-robin, priority-driven preemptive scheduler, model, probable and time response characteristics, distributed system, industrial network, fieldbus.


Context. The problem of quantitative estimation of probabilistic and temporal characteristics of the planning node’s tasks subsystem for the design of distributed real-time systems has been solved. Round robin priority driven preemptive scheduler is the subject of research, used in distributed fieldbus-networks.

The goal is to create a model and a method of quantifying the probabilistic and temporal characteristics of the node’s task scheduling subsystem: delays and time intervals for solving problem, intensity of the information load on the industrial fieldbus-network channels.

Method. The method of probability theory has been used there to solve problems. State and transition graph of model has been offered, describing the functioning of cycle algorithm for scheduling node tasks. Analytical relations for estimating the main probabilistic and temporal characteristics of the task scheduling subsystem model have been got. Specifically, an average delay time for task processing, an average time interval between solving problems, an intensity of the information load on the fieldbus-network channels. The proposed model and method are different from well-known ones: with the detailing of the important parameters of the algorithm functioning, that weren’t previously analyzed: dissimilar levels of priorities, number of priority tasks, configuration characteristics of tasks, operation delays and frequency of events of scheduler, etc.

Results. The developed model and method of quantifying the probabilistic and temporal characteristics of tasks scheduling subsystem with round robin priority driven preemptive scheduler.

Conclusions. The conducted experiments have confirmed the proposed software operability and adequacy, allow recommending it for use in practice to solve problems of designing distributed real-time systems with specified time characteristics. During the design process tools will be used for determining: the allowable number of scheduler software modules and the distribution among them of the priority and non-priority tasks handled by the node, depending on the frequency of the technological events and the specified processing delay requirements.

Author Biographies

S. A. Dadenkov, Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm

PhD, Assistant professor of department «Automatics and telemechanics»

D. A. Dadenkov, Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm

Assistant professor of department «Microprocessor automation equipment»


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How to Cite

Dadenkov, S. A., & Dadenkov, D. A. (2018). ROUND-ROBIN PREEMPTIVE SCHEDULER MODEL IN DISTRIBUTED REAL-TIME SYSTEM. Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control, (4), 116–123.



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