
  • V. S. Molchanova Pryazovskyi State Technical University, Mariupol, Ukraine, Ukraine



сonnectivity, distortion, drawing, homotopic, mask, skeleton, technique.


Context. Skeletonization is used in image processing of technical drawings, including drawings of sea transport parts, since the object’s
skeleton reflects its topological structure. Сomparative analysis of the best methods of parallel topological skeletonization of the area
objects, using spatial masks, showed that they give iterative distortions to the topology of primitives and their compositions. Therefore,
the task of developing a technique for homotopic skeletonization of bit-mapped drawings of sea transport parts is relevant.
Objective. To develope technique of improvement of topological equivalence of the skeletons to the сontour of sea transport parts,
by means of gradual correction of typical skeleton’s distortions.
Method. Сorrection of skeleton’s iterative distortions by modified spatial masks of the basic method of skeletonization and the reconstruction of the resulting skeleton by masks to restore its homotopy to the original, on the basis of developed reconstruction rules.
Execution of the proposed technique was carried out on example of the basic method R.Y. Wu & W.H. Tsai.
Results. The proposed technique is implemented as a program application that allows to perform quality skeletonization of images
of drawings of sea transport parts.
Conclusions. The shown examples of results of skeletonization of drawings of parts confirm efficiency of the proposed technique.
The technique can be adapted to the methods of topological skeletonization of area objects, based upon application of spatial masks.


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How to Cite

Molchanova, V. S. (2018). THE TECHNIQUE OF HOMOTOPIC SKELETONIZATION OF BIT-MAPPED DRAWINGS OF PARTS OF SEA TRANSPORT. Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control, (1), 139–148.



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