
  • V. A. Svjatnij Donetsk National Technical University, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • A. Y Ivanov Donetsk National Technical University, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Y. A. Ivanov software engineer, Kiev, Ukraine, Ukraine



simulation, cyclic schedule, multi-core system, real-time extension


Context. Development of models of automated control systems for ventilation, designed to prevent emergencies in the mine ventilation
network, is considered in the paper. The task of research and implementation of software modeling tools that allows the execution of
experiments with real science-intensive objects is being solved.
Objective is to improve effectiveness of the real-time model of a mine ventilation network by developing and optimizing a method for
organizing a computational process that considers the different frequency parameters of the models.
Method. We proposed and investigated the algorithm of scheduling and implementation of the cyclic schedule for the model of the
dynamic real-time object, presented by the mine ventilation network. We analyzed the mathematical model of aerodynamic processes and
classified it as a stiff real-time system. Calculations of phase variables with varying velocities are performed by splitting the original algorithm
into parallel flows in the program model. Numerical integration of the differential equations system of the mathematical model of the object
is performed in accordance with the algorithm of static priorities and controlled using the time scale. The schedules feasibility is determined
for the target object limited parameters. The scheduling algorithm considers the time parameters of software tools for both uniprocessor and symmetric multiprocessor systems.
Results. Analysis of simulation results of the proposed model with using cyclic schedules shows the correspondence of the obtained
modeling results to the reference one.
Conclusions. The main advantage of the model is the performance increase when performing data processing due to the reduction of the
CPU usage time. Implemented cyclic schedule algorithm for real-time simulation platform can be used for development of control system for
technological and emergency modes of ventilation in mines.


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How to Cite

Svjatnij, V. A., Ivanov, A. Y., & Ivanov, Y. A. (2018). CYCLIC SCHEDULE RESEARCH FOR THE MODEL OF REAL-TIME DYNAMIC NETWORK OBJECT. Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control, (2).



Control in technical systems