
  • Ye. V. Velichko




location problem, two-layer medium, approximation, wave front, simplified detector


The article deals with the process of the wave front motion in two dimensions. The point source, which creates the wave, is situated in one of the layers of two-layer medium with the straight-line boundary between the mediums. The objects of the article are the location of the emitting source and the determination of the starting time of the emission, with the help of the data, given by the detectors. The detectors are situated in the second medium on the straight-line, which is parallel to the boundary between mediums. It is assumed that the detectors determine only the time of arrival. For the case when the ratio between the signal propagation speeds in the layers is approximately equal to 0,75, it is shown that the wave front can be approximated by the parabola. The proposed technique of the identification of the parameters, which define the parabola, reduces itself to the solution of the system of the linear equations. The position of the source and the time of the emission are determined with the help of these characteristics. It is assumed that one may use any number of the detectors, but not less than three. The numerical example has been given.


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How to Cite

Velichko, Y. V. (2013). LOCATION IN THE TWO-LAYER MEDIUM WITH THE HELP OF SIMPLIFIED DETECTORS. Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control, (1). https://doi.org/10.15588/1607-3274-2013-1-3



Radio electronics and telecommunications