
  • Al. Stenin Kiev Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine., Ukraine
  • V. Pas’ko Kiev Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine., Ukraine
  • I. Drozdovych Space National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine., Ukraine



autonomous heat supply system, heat exchangers of a coiled type, tank-accumulator, basic design parameters, optimization of energy resources, experimental stand.


Relevance. To solve most of the tasks facing the housing and communal services of the country, it is necessary to create and
implement new efficient energy-saving technologies and units, the development of which will solve the problem of reducing heat
consumption and metal consumption when using individual heat points in district heating systems.
Goal. Increase in the efficiency of autonomous heat supply systems (AHSS) for housing and communal services objects.
Ensuring effective means of analyzing complex systems and processes in multi-circuit heat exchangers for heating and hot water
supply systems.
Method. To achieve this goal, a systematic approach was applied to the analysis of thermal and hydraulic processes occurring in
the autonomous heat supply systems and modeling of heat exchange processes in multi-circuit heat exchangers. To solve the
boundary value problem, an iterative procedure is proposed. On the experimental stand, the model is explored, experimental data are
Results. The dependence of the coolant consumption in the circuits and the amount of heat are established theoretically and
experimentally. An iterative procedure is developed. Studies were carried out on the basis of the experimental stand. Based on the
results of the experiments, a nomogram of thermal calculation of a multi-circuit heat exchanger was constructed.
Conclusions. The experiments carried out on the experimental stand developed by the authors of the experiment fully confirm
the correctness of the theoretical results obtained and provide an effective tool for constructing industrial samples.


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How to Cite

Stenin, A., Pas’ko, V., & Drozdovych, I. (2018). DESIGNING OF AUTONOMOUS HEAT SUPPLY SYSTEMS AND OPTIMIZATION OF ENERGY RESOURCES AT THEIR EXPLOITATION. Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control, (3).



Mathematical and computer modelling