
  • C. V. Bazilo Cherkasy State Technological University, Cherkasy, Ukraine, Ukraine



piezoelectric transformer, axially symmetric oscillations, physical processes, mathematical model.


Context. Thanks to its unique properties piezoceramics has applications in various fields of engineering and technology. Disk piezoelectric devices are widely used in the elements of information systems. Research has shown that piezoelectric transformers can compete with traditional electromagnetic transformers on both efficiency and power density. The final goal of mathematical modeling of the vibrating piezoelectric elements physical condition is a qualitative and quantitative description of characteristics and
parameters of existing electrical and elastic fields.
Objective. The purpose of this paper is to set out the principles of mathematical models construction that are sufficiently adequate to real devices and occurring physical processes using the simplest example of axially symmetric radial oscillations of the piezoelectric disk.
Method. Mathematical models of piezoelectric transformers working with axially symmetric radial oscillations of piezoceramic disks are constructed with a minimal number of assumptions simplifying the real situation. This allows us to state that the proposed construction scheme delivers mathematical models that are sufficiently adequate to the real objects and physical processes that exist in them.
Results. Main results of this work can be formulated as follows: mathematical model of piezoelectric transformer with ring electrode in the primary electrical circuit is constructed; high sensitivity of frequency characteristic of piezoelectric transformer to the values of the output impedance of the electrical signal source in the primary electrical circuit is demonstrated.
Conclusions. As a result of research of real device’s mathematical model a set of geometrical, physical and mechanical and electrical parameters of a real object can be determined which provides realization of technical parameters of piezoelectric functional element specified in technical specifications. The cost of the saved resources is the commercial price of the mathematical model. Prospects for further research can be to build a mathematical model of a piezoelectric transformer with sector electrodes.


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Radio electronics and telecommunications