
  • Zh. К. Кaminska Zaporizhzhia National Technical University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine., Ukraine
  • E. М. Kulynych Zaporizhzhia National Technical University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine., Ukraine
  • S. N. Serdiuk Zaporizhzhia National Technical University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine., Ukraine



mathematical model, imitation model, operator, aerated concrete, human-machine interface, dosing, mixing, transact.


Context. The problem of increasing the efficiency and quality of functioning of the Automated Control System (ACS) for aerated
concrete production is considered. The relevance of the problem is determined by the need to take into account the human factor
in the development of systems of this type. Methods and means of control processes automation with the help of complex technological
processes (TP) are the research object. The subject of the research is models, methods and means of increasing the efficiency
and quality of control process automation of technological complexes in aerated concrete production.
Objective. The complex mathematical model is to be developed to bring automated control of technological processes for aerated
concrete production to the advanced level of its efficiency and quality. The complex mathematical model formalizes humanoperator
activity and technological process on the physical level including characteristics of actuators and their control modes. Practically
the complex mathematical model is implemented as a certain imitation model (IM), which represents control process for dosing
the components for aerated concrete mixtures at JSC “Motor Sich” (Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine).
Method. The solution of the considered problem in the form of the IM operating process of the ACS for aerated concrete preparation
is proposed. It is based on a complex mathematical model of dosing and mixing aerated concrete components and the interactive
work of the operator with the human-machine interface (HMI) of the ACS when solving the TP control tasks. In the IM, the
human-machine system “operator-ACS” is presented in the form of a queuing system. To formalize the operator’s activity algorithm,
the generalized structural method offered by A.I. Gubinsky is used. The peculiarity of this IM is that it can be used to evaluate and
debug the ACS and HMI algorithms.
Results. The software and IM of the technological process for aerated concrete production at JSC "Motor Sich" was developed.
That implements the proposed complex model based on a transact technique of organizing quasi-parallelism in IM.
Conclusions. The research proposes a combined (analytical-imitation) model of the automated control process for the aerated
concrete preparation technology. Unlike other well-known control models which include dosing and mixing processes, this one suggests
the approach that allows formalizing the activity of the ACS operator, quantifying the indicators of his information load and
taking into account the influence of the dynamical changing of the components set weight in the dispenser hoppers and the components
flow velocity from the consumable containers in the dosing process. The conducted experiments proved the operability of the
software proposed; such software may be recommended for practical use in solving the problems of justifying the structure optimal
choice, control methods, HMI variants, clarifying the ACS parameters for the specified technological processes, and also for development
of intelligent simulators to be used for operator training.


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How to Cite

Кaminska Z. К., Kulynych E. М., & Serdiuk, S. N. (2019). THE AUTOMATED CONTROL SYSTEM OPERATING ANALYSIS AND MODELING FOR AERATED CONCRETE PRODUCTION. Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control, (4).



Control in technical systems