
  • R. O. Bieliakov Military Institute of Telecommunications and Informatization named after Heroes of Krut, Kiev, Ukraine., Ukraine
  • H. D. Radzivilov Military Institute of Telecommunications and Informatization named after Heroes of Krut, Kiev, Ukraine., Ukraine
  • O. D. Fesenko Military Institute of Telecommunications and Informatization named after Heroes of Krut, Kiev, Ukraine., Ukraine
  • V. V. Vasylchenko Military Institute of Telecommunications and Informatization named after Heroes of Krut, Kiev, Ukraine., Ukraine
  • O. G. Tsaturian Military Institute of Telecommunications and Informatization named after Heroes of Krut, Kiev, Ukraine., Ukraine
  • A. V. Shyshatskyi Central Research Institute of Armament and Military Equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine., Ukraine
  • V. P. Romanenko Institute of Special Communications and Information Protection, National technical university of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kiev Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv, Ukraine, Ukraine



automatic control intellectual system, navigation system, unmanned aircraft apparatus.


Context. Military conflicts of the late XX – early XXI centuries are characterized by the using of a large number of new weapons, which allowed the warring parties to distance themselves as far as possible from the direct collision with each other. Unmanned aircraft apparatus (UAA) have become one of the latest weapons on the battlefield, which during military conflicts were proven to be more effective than manned planes, in conducting air reconnaissance and other combat tasks, as well as strike at the enemy. One of the ways to increase the efficiency of UAA is to increase the level of technical excellence of their control systems. Creating new approaches for designing navigation systems for unmanned aerial vehicles particular, based on a free-form inertial navigation system, is an urgent task, as it will allow automatic control of the UAA flight route in the absence of corrective signals from the global satellite navigation system.
Objective. The purpose of this work is to develop a methodology for managing an unmanned aerial apparatus using an intelligent automatic control system. This technique will minimize the error of a free inertial navigation system due to the using of a fuzzy neural network system. The algorithm of the proposed method of constructing the intellectual system of automatic control of UAA navigation
system using the fuzzy neural network apparatus in the MatLab 7 software environment was developed. A neural network training was conducted in the Python 3.6 software environment (Jupyter-notebook), as well as testing the UAA model in the robot operational system (ROS) simulator environment for comparison with existing methods.
Method. To achieve this goal, the following methods were used: intelligent systems, the theory of automatic control, pseudospectral method; methods based on the genetic algorithm and apparatus of the fuzzy neural network.
Results. The method of constructing the intelligent system of automatic control of an unmanned aerial apparatus for minimizing the error of a free-form inertial navigation system due to the application of the neural network has been developed. The work of the intellectual system of automatic control of the UAA navigational system using the neural network in the MatLab software environment
based on the proposed implementation algorithm were tested. The possibility of practical application of the obtained results and comparison with traditional methods were investigated.                                                                 Conclusions. The technique of the intelligent automatic control of UAA shows an advantage in comparison with the known methods without correcting signals from the global navigation satellite system.


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How to Cite

Bieliakov, R. O., Radzivilov, H. D., Fesenko, O. D., Vasylchenko, V. V., Tsaturian, O. G., Shyshatskyi, A. V., & Romanenko, V. P. (2019). METHOD OF THE INTELLIGENT SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION OF AUTOMATIC CONTROL OF UNMANNED AIRCRAFT APPARATUS. Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control, (1).



Control in technical systems