
  • D. M. Piza National University “Zaporizhzia polytechnic”, Zaporizhzia, Ukraine
  • S. N. Romanenko National University “Zaporizhzia polytechnic”, Zaporizhzia, Ukraine
  • D. S. Semenov State Enterprise «Scientific and Production Complex “Iskra”», Zaporizhzia, Ukraine



Аctive interference, spatial filter, suppression ratio


Context. Under simultaneous actions of the active noise and passive interference, the latter de-correlates the active component of
the combined interference, which significantly limits its compensation. In addition, when the active interference acts on the side
lobes of the antenna pattern when scanning a spaced-apart antenna system, inter-channel delays of interfering signals occur, which
also leads to the degradation of compensation.
Objective. Improving the efficiency of compensation of the active component of the combined interference acting on the side
lobes of the radiation pattern under simultaneous effect of the passive interference.
Method. An improved algorithm for processing radar signals with direct calculation of the weight factor of the adaptive spatial
filter and matched filtering of the signals of the main and compensation channels. The effect of passive interference on the process of
adapting the weight factor of the spatial filter is eliminated using notch filters.
Results. A block diagram of an improved spatial filter has been developed. A mathematical model has been created. In the process
of simulation, it was found that the proposed algorithm for processing radar signals in the side-lobe sector of the antenna pattern
[3°–30°] relative to the main beam provided a gain in the compensation of active noise interference of about 6.0 to 6.4 dB as compared
to the known adaptive spatial filter circuit.
Conclusions. The scientific novelty of the work is in improving of the algorithm for processing radar signals by parallel calculation
of the weight factor of the spatial filter using notch filters and matched filtering of the signals of the main and compensation
The practical novelty consists of creating a structural scheme and a mathematical model of an improved adaptive spatial filter.
The simulation results confirmed the relatively high efficiency of the proposed radar signal-processing algorithm. The results obtained
can be used in the design or modernization of radars for various purposes.

Author Biographies

D. M. Piza, National University “Zaporizhzia polytechnic”, Zaporizhzia

Dr. Sc., Professor, Department of Radio Engineering

S. N. Romanenko, National University “Zaporizhzia polytechnic”, Zaporizhzia

PhD, Associate Professor of department of Information Defense

D. S. Semenov, State Enterprise «Scientific and Production Complex “Iskra”», Zaporizhzia

Head of Department


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How to Cite

Piza, D. M., Romanenko, S. N., & Semenov, D. S. (2019). INCREASE OF EFFICIENCY OF COMPENSATION OF THE ACTIVE COMPONENT OF COMBINED INTERFERENCE. Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control, (3), 7–14.



Radio electronics and telecommunications