
  • T. V. Kozulia National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”., Ukraine
  • A. S. Sviridova National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”., Ukraine
  • M. M. Kozulia National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”., Ukraine




entropic approach, entropy-information estimates, software application, complex objects, WindowsForms technology.


Context. Consideration of comprehensively studied object in the form “system – environment” to obtain an approximate accurate real situation reflection.

Objective. Search for solutions to problematic research issues based on the entropy approach for systems “object – environment” of different nature and complexity, studying them and obtaining knowledge (stable information) and providing them as a set of complex system tasks modulated by different entropy functions.

Method. The following criteria are used to assess the sustainability of the development of a system object: integrity – the failure of the trajectory of development of the object at a certain forecast time interval from a set of safe states; monotony of growth of indicators of development of object on a certain time interval with the subsequent preservation of them in the set intervals of admissible values; compliance of the development trajectory with the target changes according to the requirements of safety and sustainable development, resistance to disturbance, including asymptotic stability of the program trajectory and structural stability of the system.

In the conditions of nonlinear development of events and spontaneity of processes “object – external systems” at stable structure of system object of research it is expedient to apply the entropic approach and knowledge from the field of the theory of stability developed for technical and cybernetic systems.

Results. The proposed entropy approach to analysis is determined by the fact that the object is characterized from the standpoint of compliance with acceptable regulatory constraints and processes regarding the acceptability of the object of the external environment or the possibility of resolving the situation of coexistence “object – environment”.

Within the analysis of a system object, this means that for both stationary and dynamic conditions, their state is described by a certain function, the changes of which indicate the approach to a certain point of homeostatic relations with the environment.

The practical application of the provided methodological proposal for finding solutions in conditions of uncertainty of a certain kind is considered on the example of determining measures to influence the course of positive development of the child’s body in the situation of diagnosis of cerebral palsy in the form of information and software application at realization of the appointments of medical character applied to them (factors of influence of emergency).

Conclusions. The proposed entropy approach to the choice of decision-making problems for determining the state and changes as a result of process transformations in system objects of the type “studied system – environment” in conditions of uncertainty does not require additional conditions characteristic of known estimates by criteria in common mathematical means of decision making.

Author Biographies

T. V. Kozulia, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”.

Professor, Dr. Sc., Professor of Software Engineering and Information Technology Management department.

A. S. Sviridova, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”.

Master of Software Engineering and Information Technology Management department.

M. M. Kozulia, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”.

PhD, Associated Professor of Software Engineering and Information Technology Management department.


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How to Cite

Kozulia, T. V., Sviridova, A. S., & Kozulia, M. M. (2022). ENTROPY APPROACH IN SYSTEM RESEARCH OF DIFFERENT COMPLEXITY OBJECTS TO ASSESS THEIR CONDITION AND FUNCTIONALITY . Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control, (4), 149–163. https://doi.org/10.15588/1607-3274-2021-4-14



Control in technical systems