
  • D. M. Piza National University “Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic”, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • G. V. Moroz National University “Zaporozhye Polytechnic” , Ukraine



Context. To protect radars from active noise interference (jamming) acting along the side lobes of the antenna pattern, spatial signal filtering is used, which is realized by using diversity reception of the useful signal and interference. In this case, the difference in the directions of interference and signal makes it possible to compensate for interference and detect a useful signal. However, in the case where the source of interference is in the main lobe, the differences between the desired signal and the interference are reduced. This leads to significant distortion of the antenna main lobe pattern. As a result, the accuracy of angular coordinates measurement deteriorates, as well as the sensitivity of the receiving radar device. The article proposes a new method for spatial polarization processing of radar signals, which provides compensation for active noise interference both as from the directions of the side lobes and from the direction of the main beam of the antenna pattern.

Objective. The goal is to develop a method for spatial polarization processing of radar signals under the influence of active noise interference both along the side lobes of the antenna pattern and along the main lobe.

Method. The method is implemented by using structural adaptation of the noise protection device, depending on the direction of the interference. In this case, the control signal for structural adaptation is formed according to the magnitude of the current spatial filter weighting coefficient value.

Results. A block diagram of a spatial polarizing filter which provides compensation for active noise interference acting both on
the side lobes and on the main lobe of the radar antenna pattern. The mathematical model of the compensation unit that implements the structural adaptation of the spatial polarization filter has been developed. Under the conditions of the first special polarization basis, the efficiency of noise suppression acting along the main lobe of the antenna pattern is estimated.

Conclusions. The scientific novelty of the research is the development of a new method of spatial polarization processing of radar signals under difficult conditions of radar operation under massive active noise interference.

The practical significance of the research is in the development of a block diagram of a spatial polarizing filter that provides compensation for interference both from the direction of the side lobes and from the direction of the main lobe of the antenna pattern. The mathematical model of the filter has been developed. The efficiency of noise suppression under the conditions of the first special polarization basis is estimated.

Author Biographies

D. M. Piza, National University “Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic”, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine

Dr. Sc., Professor of Radio Engineering Department

G. V. Moroz, National University “Zaporozhye Polytechnic”

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Radio Engineering and Telecommunications


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How to Cite

Piza, D. M., & Moroz, G. V. (2022). METHOD FOR SPATIAL POLARIZATION COMPENSATION OF JAMMING. Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control, (2), 24.



Radio electronics and telecommunications