
  • N. Shakhovska National University «Lviv Polytechnic», Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Yu. Bolubash National University «Lviv Polytechnic», Ukraine, Ukraine



big data, information product, uncertainness


This paper introduced the concept of the term Big Data and analyzes the cause of their appearance. Thus, the specificity of Big data (the presence of diverse set of sources, data doubling, ambiguity describing data sources) leads to the fact that the indeterminacy in traditional relational databases considered within a relationship and could occur at the level of attribute and tuple-level attitude in this case extends through the perception of the user information on the entire data space. Therefore, for processing indeterminacy in the Big data must use a different approach, the need for the use of which has not had in relational databases and data warehouses. There is the level of uncertainty in the Big Data show. There are formed data warehouse model with uncertainty and developed operations on it. There is posted forming unit method, taking into account uncertainty.


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How to Cite

Shakhovska, N., & Bolubash, Y. (2013). INDECISION PROCESSING IN BIG DATA. Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control, (1).



Mathematical and computer modelling