
  • M. P. Kostikov National University of Food Technologies, Kyiv,, Ukraine




computational linguistics, computer-assisted language learning, grammar, language model, morphology, natural language processing.


An urgent problem when creating e-learning software is knowledge formalization for its further processing and visual presentation. A formal description of grammar, in particular inflection, presented in modern means of natural language processing, only enumerates the existing grammatical forms without analyzing the process of their production, which is important for the purposes of language learning. The approach to Polish inflection formalization (by the example of nouns) which consists in separating out the basic elements of inflection process is proposed in the presented paper. The selection of words according to the frequency dictionary of Polish is performed. The standard table of grammatical forms for the selected words is formed. Individual transformations in the process of nouns inflection are described. With the help of the described transformations, the modeling of word forms generation process is performed. The resulting chains of transformations for each word are saved into a database. The obtained chains allow of describing the process of inflection step-by-step. It makes the knowledge presentation to the language students more clear and visual. Besides, the automatic selection of words which go through certain transformations is possible for the purposes of generating learning exercises, examples, and test questions.


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How to Cite

Kostikov, M. P. (2015). A FORMAL MODEL OF POLISH NOUNS INFLECTION. Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control, (4). https://doi.org/10.15588/1607-3274-2015-4-3



Mathematical and computer modelling