
  • A. V. Galchenko Zaporozhzhya National Technical University, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • G. L. Kozina Zaporozhzhya National Technical University, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine, Ukraine



protocol, deniable encryption, ambiguity, distribution keys, fake messages, an extended Rabin’s scheme, oblivious transfer, factorization, discrete logarithm.


The article discusses the stability of modern cryptographic systems to attack from coercion in respect of subscribers cryptographic systems. Due to the rapid development of information technology, this problem is relevant in the field of information security. To address the sustainability of modern cryptographic systems use algorithms offered by the authors deniable encryption ensures that the attacker is unable to get any valuable information from subscribers. Solving the problem is to use Meng’s deniable encryption algorithm, which guarantees
protection not only information, but also the participants of the exchange. The main purpose of the article is performed by modifying the initial Meng’s deniable encryption algorithm [1] with using Oblivious Transfer Protocol , which prompted by Moni Naor [2]. Oblivious Transfer Protocol to significantly reduce the time required to perform the Meng’s deniable encryption algorithm, and facilitates its implementation to solve applied problems in the field of information security.
As a result of experiments, the authors confirmed that Oblivious Transfer Protocol using is an effective solution to the problem of generation and distribution of keys in the Meng’s deniable encryption algorithm.


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How to Cite

Galchenko, A. V., & Kozina, G. L. (2016). MODIFICATION OF MENG’S DENIABLE ENCRYPTION ALGORITHM. Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control, (2).



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