
  • V. A. Lakhno European University, Kyiv, Ukraine, Ukraine



modeling, intelligential transport systems, information systems, dispatching control, transport flow, passenger flow.


This paper is devoted to improving the mathematical support for the intelligential traffic management system of city buses. It provides
an overview of what is the real state of the-art with respect to traffic flow theory. A new mathematical model of the buses motion has been
generating in consideration of stochastic factors. The model allows the calculating immediate changes in the city buses schedules connected
with speed parameters. The model and program realization make allowance for increasing the efficiency of passenger service when projecting city passenger transports. With regard to the traffic organization, the automated control system as the element of the intelligential transport
systems plays the increasingly important role as a key component of the transport system, which is able to form the right choice for customers
across a network, to support safe travel. The software implementing proposed method is developed. The experiments to study the properties
of the proposed model are conducted. The experimental results allow to recommend the proposed model for use in practice 


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How to Cite

Lakhno, V. A. (2016). MODEL OF INTELLIGENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF CITY BUS TRANSPORTATIONS. Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control, (2).



Control in technical systems