
  • V. V. Lytvyn Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • A. B. Demchuk Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • O. V. Oborska Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine, Ukraine



complex algorithmic search include video-insertion typhlocomments, audiodescription, submitting video content for people with visual impairments, video content, defect of vision, is adapted video content.


The article studies the problem of access to video people with complete or partial loss of vision, are considered typhlocomments as video
content adaptation method for the blind. In the study of the problem of access of visually impaired to the video, it is understood that most of
the information provided the viewer through the image, so that the blind can hear all the words of the actors, environment sounds, the
processes on the screen, but it is difficult to identify anyone what words are, that it is at this particular moment іt happens to the characters,
what is depicted in this scene, what is the reaction of the actors, their emotions, which are often expressed through movement and facial
expressions. Tiflokomentari to films for blind people – that’s one of the real steps solutions limited access to view this content. Developed
software representation of video content for persons with visual impairments through the use of the coordination theory of spectral analysis. Also built the architecture of software and algorithmic complex adaptation of video content for people with visual impairments. Implemented method for finding free conversations and other important sounds in video sites, which are used to insert typhlocomments. On the basis of the logic of the 1-st order and association rules are designed for rules typhlocomments typhlocomentators, writers and sound engineers. Back-todate scientific and applied problem presentation video in a format accessible to the perception of people with poor eyesight. Experimentally proved the feasibility of typhlocomments method to describe the scenes video, which allowed up to 30% increase in the perception of video content for people with visual impairments.


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How to Cite

Lytvyn, V. V., Demchuk, A. B., & Oborska, O. V. (2016). MATHEMATICAL AND SOFTWARE SUBMISSION VIDEO CONTENT FOR VISUALLY IMPAIRED PEOPLE. Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control, (3).



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