
  • V. V. Avdejev O. Gontchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Ukraine, Ukraine



stabilization errors, stability factor, control law.


Methodology of receipt of the exactness indexes estimations by equalization of a disturbing acceleration is worked out with the use of the linear model of a cosmic rocket rotation stationary in region of the determined trajectory point with taking in account of an actuating device
inertia. In terms of quantity they are determined by two vectors of errors the coordinates of that are expressed by simple analytical
dependences on coefficients of the motion equations and the law of control. The purpose of the research is to establish a connection between the coordinates of vectors of errors and the system’s stability factor on the plane of roots of characteristic polynomial, that will give a possibility of grounded choice of coefficients of a control law while the initial stage of the control system project development. For the first time, taking in account the cosmic rocket specificity, methodology for establishing of connection between coordinates of error vectors by linear disturbing acceleration, control law coefficients, which include four coordinates of the state vector, and stability factor of stabilizing system of the rotation motion on the plane of a characteristic polynomial roots was developed. We determined three independent coordinates of error vectors, which allows variation coefficient of a control law at the angular velocity of a rocket or a steering body on the basis of the criterion of the largest stability factor without changing the parameters of accuracy.
The results of the work can be used by the technical decision-making while designing the rocket control system of rotational motion.


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How to Cite

Avdejev, V. V. (2016). ACCURACY AND STABILITY FACTOR OF A ROCKET ROTATION STABILIZATION SYSTEM. Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control, (3).



Control in technical systems