
  • S. H. Simonyan National Polytechnic University of Armenia, Armenia
  • A. A. Ayvazyan National Polytechnic University of Armenia, Armenia



one-parametric conjugated analogue of parameter matrix equation of Sylvester type, reduction of the problem, an analytical method of solution, differential transformations, serial and parallel methods, model example, conditions for the unique solvability


We consider the one-parameter conjugated analogs of Sylvester type matrix equations. On the basis of simple transformations we obtain
the equivalent matrix equation containing only the unknown matrix which should be determined. Next, using the apparatus of Kronecker
products of matrices, the analytical solution of the problem was obtained, which is limited in practical applications, but serves as a basis for the development of numerical-analytical methods for solving the original problem. Serial and parallel numerical and analytical solution methods are proposed based on the differential transformations G. E. Pukhov. With sequential numerical-analytical method we operate with numeric recursive procedures in the first stage of the calculation, and analytical relations – in the second stage. In parallel numerical-analytical method we operate with linear hypersystem of numerical equations in the first stage of the calculation, and analytical relations – in the second stage. For all the methods the relevant conditions for the unique solvability of the problem were obtained. A model example was considered for which using numerical and analytical methods an exact solution of the Taylor was obtained. The proposed numerical-analytical techniques can be efficiently implemented by means of modern information technology.


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How to Cite

Simonyan, S. H., & Ayvazyan, A. A. (2017). TO THE SOLUTION OF ONE-PARAMETRIC MATRIX EQUATIONS OF A(T)⋅X(T)+ X*(T) ⋅B(T) =C(T) TYPE. Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control, (4).



Mathematical and computer modelling