
  • D. R. Kadirova Tashkent State Technical University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan
  • A. A. Kadirova Center for Strategic Innovations and Informatization, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan



discrete system, structure synthesis, digital controller, delay, dynamical graph model


The discrete digital controllers reckoning technique is the subject of this article with the aid of processes dynamic graph models. The proposed modeling technique allows to determine the ways for tasks solutions in terms of discrete systems analysis and synthesis of various complication: one-dimensional and multidimensional, steady and unstable, with the pulse elements abnormal operating mode and others. An often complex control systems analysis and synthesis task solution, via classical approach comes out to be insolvent, because of the computational problems. The application of graph models allows to perform clear and strict characterization and computer procedures automation. Here is useful the discrete systems fundamental property, and in particular, the ability for intrinsic decomposition and structurization. Any discrete elements of control system we consider not only as sources of the signal discretization, but also as discretization sources of the system structure. Suggested technique allows to synthesize control laws to be constructed with the respect to the criterions of optimality drawn as well as at the most close to be based on characteristic properties and real-world control objects features.


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How to Cite

Kadirova, D. R., & Kadirova, A. A. (2017). STRUCTURAL SYNTHESIS OF DISCRETE CONTROL SYSTEMS CONTROLLERS. Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control, (4).



Control in technical systems