About the Journal

Description: The scientific journal «Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control» is an international academic peer-reviewed publication. It publishes scientific articles (works that extensively cover a specific topic, idea, question and contain elements of their analysis) and reviews (works containing analysis and reasoned assessment of the author's original or published book) that receive an objective review of leading specialists that evaluate substantially without regard to race, sex, religion, ethnic origin, nationality, or political philosophy of the author(s).
Founder and Publisher: National University "Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic"Country: Ukraine.
ISSN 1607-3274 (print), ISSN 2313-688X (on-line).
Certificate of State Registration: КВ №24220-14060ПР dated 19.11.2019. The journal is registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.
By the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 17.03.2020 № 409 “On approval of the decision of the Certifying Collegium of the Ministry on the activities of the specialized scientific councils dated 06
March 2020” journal is included to the list of scientific specialized periodicals of Ukraine in category “А” (highest level), where the results of dissertations for Doctor of Science and Doctor of Philosophy may be published. By the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 12.21.2015 № 1328 "On approval of the decision of the Certifying Collegium of the Ministry on the activities of the specialized scientific councils dated 15 December 2015" journal is included in the List of scientific specialized periodicals of Ukraine, where the results of dissertations for Doctor of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics and Technical Sciences may be published.
The journal is included to the Polish List of scientific journals and peer-reviewed materials from international conferences with assigned number of points (Annex to the announcement of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of Poland from July 31, 2019: Lp. 16981). 

Year of Foundation: 1999. Frequency : 4 times per year (before 2015 - 2 times per year).
Volume: up to 20 conventional printed sheets. Format: 60x84/8. 
Languages: English, Ukrainian. Before 2022 also Russian.
Fields of Science : Physics and Mathematics, Technical Sciences.
Aim: serve to the academic community principally at publishing topical articles resulting from original research whether theoretical or applied in various aspects of academic endeavor.
Focus: fresh formulations of problems and new methods of investigation, help for professionals, graduates, engineers, academics and researchers disseminate information on state-of-the-art techniques according to the journal scope.
Scope: telecommunications and radio electronics, software engineering (including algorithm and programming theory), computer science (mathematical modeling and computer simulation, optimization and operations research, control in technical systems, machine-machine and man-machine interfacing, artificial intelligence, including data mining, pattern recognition, artificial neural and neuro-fuzzy networks, fuzzy logic, swarm intelligence and multiagent systems, hybrid systems), computer engineering (computer hardware, computer networks), information systems and technologies (data structures and bases, knowledge-based and expert systems, data and signal processing methods).
Journal sections:
- radio electronics and telecommunications;
- mathematical and computer modelling;
- neuroinformatics and intelligent systems;
- progressive information technologies;
- control in technical systems.
Abstracting and Indexing: The journal is indexed in Web of Science (WoS) scientometric database.  The articles, published in the journal, are abstracted in leading international and national abstractig journals and scientometric databases, and also are placed to the digital archives and libraries with free on-line access.
Editorial board: Editor in chief - S. A. Subbotin, D. Sc., Professor; Deputy Editor in Chief - D. M. Piza, D. Sc., Professor. The members of Editorial Board are listed here.
Publishing and processing fee: Articles are published and peer-reviewed free of charge.
Authors Copyright: The journal allows the authors to hold the copyright without restrictions and to retain publishing rights without restrictions. The journal allows readers to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of its articles. The journal allows to reuse and remixing of its content, in accordance with a Creative Commons license СС BY -SA.
Authors Responsibility: Submitting the article to the journal, authors hereby assume full responsibility for the copyright compliance of other individuals and organizations, the accuracy of citations, data and illustrations, nondisclosure of state and industrial secrets, express their consent to transfer for free to the publisher the right to publish, to translate into foreign languages, to store and to distribute the article materials in any form. Authors who have scientific degrees, submitting the article in the journal, thereby giving their consent to free act as reviewers of other authors articles at the request of the journal editor within the established deadlines. The articles submitted to the journal must be original, new and interesting to the reader audience of the journal, have reasonable motivation and aim, be previously unpublished and not be considered for publication in other journals and conferences. Articles should not contain trivial and obvious results, make unwarranted conclusions and repeat conclusions of already published studies.
Readership: scientists, university faculties, postgraduate and graduate students, practical specialists.
Publicity and Accessing Method : Open Access on-line for full-text publications.



Current Issue

No. 2 (2024): Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control
Published: 2024-06-27

Full Issue

Radio electronics and telecommunications

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